Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Links between Taste, Consumption and Social Class Essay

Links between Taste, Consumption and Social Class - Essay Example In fact, it is clear that the views and the preferences of people in a particular social framework are aligned with the trends that the media have promoted within the specific area. It is in this context that the relationship between taste, consumption and social class would be evaluated. In the literature, different approaches have been used for highlighting the interaction between taste, consumption and social class. The views of Bourdieu on this issue are analytically presented in this paper. Emphasis is given on the perception of Bourdieu that taste and consumption are closely related to social class. The review of the literature referring to the specific subject reveals that taste and consumption are indispensable elements of human behaviour. Their relationship with social class can be strong no matter the existing social and political conditions; however, each one of these elements cannot be exist outside a consumption society, since it is only within such society that the cons umption needs of individuals can be addressed. 2. Taste, consumption and social class in theory and practice 2.1 Bourdieu on taste, consumption and class In order to understand the views of Bourdieu on key sociological objects, such as taste, consumption and class, it would be necessary to identify the methodology of his work. Bourdieu avoided using the views of a specific sociologist for explaining human behaviour. Rather, he used to employ common sociological rules. From this point of view, it would be a mistake to use the views of well-known sociologists, for instance Marx or Durkheim, in order to understand the thoughts of Bourdieu on key sociological objects (Wright 2005, p.82). Moreover, Bourdieu preferred to combine theory and research. In other words, it was necessary for his views to be tested in real conditions. In this way, the effects of the views of Bourdieu on society and human behaviour have been checked as of their relevance to real life. At the next level, the views of Bourdieu are checked using qualitative and quantitative data; this type of research methodology increases the credibility of the assumptions produced, highlighting the appropriateness of these views for the explanation of daily social phenomena. The above issues are quite important in order to explain the methodology of work in this paper: the views of Bourdieu on social class, taste and consumption are presented and evaluated, as of their relationship to many aspects of social life. At the next level, these views are tested as of their relevance to current social conditions. Examples are used for indicating the value of the theories of Bourdieu in practice, with reference especially to the social trends that characterize the modern societies. At a first level, reference should be made to the views of Bourdieu on social class. Then, its relationship with taste and consumption, as justified through the views of Bourdieu, can be understood. In opposition with other theorists who s tudied the specific issue, Bourdieu avoided making a clear distinction between classes in society (Wright 2005, p.85). This practice is explained as follows: Bourdieu did not want to relate his theory with politics, a risk which would be clear if the differentiation among classes would be used as the basis of the theory of Bourdieu. Moreover,

Monday, October 28, 2019

Inclusive Education Essay Example for Free

Inclusive Education Essay Inclusive Education refers to educational institutions and systems that accommodate all children to develop their cognitive and intellectual skills. The diversity of the children poses a challenge for the system as the main goal of the program is to ensure all children learn and partake in the educational experience of the program. The teachers, school and the system itself has be transformed to accommodate the varied educational needs of the children in the program. This means that the system should not disregard each child’s own character in the process of learning. For this to be possible, the system should determine the different barriers and factors that affect the learning processes of the individuals. Inclusive education breaks the different barriers to include children who are then excluded from the mainstream school systems groups. Though placing the excluded children in the mainstream educational system does not guarantee results of inclusiveness, the system must greatly lay its key principles and practices to be effective. Inclusive education is guided by principles which are determined to meet the goals of the program to include all children in the mainstream educational system. The right of a child to inherent education on the basis of equality and opportunity is given in the Constitution as a basic right of the child. The parameters that all children are included in the mainstream educational system means that no child shall be discriminated upon on all aspects, such as race, sex, religion, disability and others. There is also the realization that all children can learn and benefit from education and the educational institutions must adapt to the needs of the children in their different learning process mechanisms. The right of the children to be different from one another no matter whatever views or opinions they may have should also be given utmost attention by educators. And educators, as persons responsible for honing their intellectual and cognitive skills are addressed with a wide and flexible options. The inclusive schools must be aware that the concept of inclusive education is not a process and can not have immediate results. Key players of the program, like the children, parents and the community must have an active participation in the process. The system must determine the diversity of the children, and how to address them by lessening the barriers. The system must always be in the pursuit to provide accessible curriculum for the children, program and training for the teachers, and continuously gather information and support not only to the children but also to the children. . Benefits of the Inclusive Education Researches show the benefits of inclusive education. Teachers are different in their own ways. They have different teaching practices and methods that suits both able and disabled children. The program of including disabled children into the mainstream educational system poses a challenge to educators as though their needs are different; the educator must be able to teach them in the same way they teach the children without disabilities. All the children greatly benefits from the diversity because the socialization process is unique and conducive for the children’s’ communication and interaction skills. The children will learn different things from one another, even build friendship from the experience. Involving the disabled with the non-disabled peers allows the children to realize that there are no significant differences between them. This will greatly help the children face the reality of living in the real world. The disabled students will then be able to realize that their worth are appreciated and not looked upon in the classroom. This will help their confidence and trust in themselves. The educators must also enforce positive modeling in the classroom for the children to accept their differences for them to get along more. In a three day Disability Knowledge and Research conference in Bangladesh in May 2005, the Executive Director for Center for Services and Information on Disability was quoted saying that â€Å"Inclusive education is about children. They must be at the center of our discussions and represented in our research. † (Trott 2005. ) (www. disabilitykar. net) This strengthened the motivation of over 60 participants from Asia, America and European nations of the conference to promote the inclusive education program. This aims to convene all advocates of Inclusive Education in to reaching the goal of integrating the mainstream educational system with the excluded children. Some studies had been made to determine the effectiveness of the program and how the educational system needs to adopt this system. In 1995, a National Study of Inclusive Education report of NCERI in school districts in 9 states in the US shows how the inclusive education program will greatly benefit the children throughout the country. The research reported positive changes in the students, increased independence among themselves and self-esteem. Their academic skills also improved along with the children’s communication skills. In 1997, researchers Lipsky and Gartner conclude that the data they have gathered had shown the positive trend of improvement from different aspects such as the children’s academic skills, social skills and their behavior. (2004 . ) (http://www. projectchoices. org/faqBenefits. aspx) The report strengthens the advocacy of the Inclusive Education program to be implemented in the country. Another research done in the year 1994-1995 by Staub and Peck(2004 . ) (http://www. projectchoices. org/faqBenefits. aspx) discovered the common concerns of the program for the children and the education system. These are: the academic performance of the nondisabled children, the time and attention given by the teacher, and the disabled students learning undesirable behavior from students with disabilities. The report will help in determining the boundaries of the inclusive education program and will allow the formulation of solutions for the problems mentioned. It should be noted that the program must be able to focus on both the disabled and nondisabled students learning processes. The educators must also find a balance in which they can attend to the needs of the children, though differently, this must be addressed to the teachers. The third concern deals with how the differences between the children are able to influence one another. The children learn things from their peers, and it is of great concern for the program to limit the bad influences from the children. The earlier research focus on the how the program will affect the children. The results have found no supporting conclusions for Staub and Peck’s research determining the three main concerns of the program. The researchers did another study in which they were able to determine the benefits of inclusive education. The program reduces the fear of differences between human, in particular children, because of increased comfort and awareness of one another. There has also been growth in social cognition as the differences in each person were made aware. The self-concept, or what is perceived as to be the true concept of a persons’ self, has improved. The program also develops personal principles and friendship among the children amidst of their differences. (2004 . ) (http://www. projectchoices. org/faqBenefits. aspx)

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Basket Weaving in the Tohono Oodham Tribe :: Essays Papers

Basket Weaving in the Tohono O'odham Tribe The Tohono O’odham tribe has been weaving baskets for at least 2000 years. Although the reason for weaving has changed through the years the Tohono O’odham are still using the same weaving styles as their ancestors. Basket weaving for the Tohono O’odham has gone from an everyday essential to a prestigious art form. Basket weaving for the Tohono O’odham represents an active way of preserving their culture, valuing traditions, and creating bonding ties within the tribe; consequently weaving has transcended into an economic resource. Basket weaving has played a large part in the culture of the Tohono O’odham tribe. Baskets were used mainly for practical purposes in the past. They were very important in the every day life of the tribe. It was the women's job in the tribe to weave the baskets. The baskets were used to haul grain and food. Many baskets were woven so tight that they were used to hold water and liquor. Baskets were also very important in ceremonies, such as the Rainmaking Ceremony. In ceremonial practices, scared objects were often placed into baskets. The ceremonial baskets were made especially for different ceremonies and were never used for every day purposes. Sacred objects were sometimes single fetishes and sometimes collections of objects brought together though the years and kept in a ceremonial basket (Underhill 24). The proper way to keep fetishes was in an oblong basket of twilled yucca (Underhill 24). This oblong basket was called a waca, not to be confused with the ordinary coiled basket, which was called a hoa. It was very important to the tribe not to keep scared objects in regular baskets. People who owned a fetish kept their basket packed with eagle down, deertails and periodically â€Å"fed† the scared object with cane cigarettes and even food (Underhill 24-25). They could not move the baskets with out a ritual, which was part of the ceremony for food or purification. If anyone who was not authorized to move the basket touch ed it, the tribe believed a flood would come. The ceremonial baskets are very important to the Tohono O’odham tribe for a lot of their religious ceremonies.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Dbq for Apush

In the early nineteenth century the United States began to split, but as mid-century came around, people became more polarized in their views and the union started to separate drastically. During the period of 1850, until 1861 when the Confederate States of America was formed, the union was clearly divided between the North and South. Although the Constitution was not the only factor leading to sectional tension in America, there are many strong points in the North and South favoring the statement, â€Å"By the 1850’s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it had created. † Northerners, during mid-century America believed in the preservation of the undissolvable Union. When the Constitution was framed in 1787, the founding fathers were concerned about leaving Britain and becoming a Union, as opposed to the issue of slavery that would later prevail. Henry Clay created the Compromise of 1850, which helped solve the problem of slavery in the territories (Document A). This was not included in the Constitut . . . When the Missouri Compromise was ruled unconstitutional under the Dred Scott decision, the due process clause, for the first time, was interpreted to state that people could not be denied their property, displaying that Calhoun was right all along. It is evident that although the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, many Northerners depicted its flaws. An anonymous Georgian, although somewhat contradictory, explained, â€Å"Two Constitutional provisions are necessary to secure Southern rights upon this important question,–the recognition of slavery where the people choose it and the remedy for fugitive slave† (Document B). Sectional difficulties that lead to the break up of the Union can be traced to flaws in the Constitution, although there are other factors as well. In events such as John Brown’s Raid, the North solemnly respected Brown, holding commemoration services in his memorial. This shows that the founding fathers thought well ahead of their time and created a Constitution that included answers to many questions, although, in general, this document eventually contributed to the collapse of the Union. President Jefferson Davis of the Confederate States of America, believing that states were sovereign over the Union, stated, The separate and independent sovereignty of each State was merged into one common government and nation† (Document H). The Constitution includes the three-fifths clause, along with and end to the African slave trade. After the fugitive slave law was enacted, many personal liberty laws were created in the North and colored people were notified, â€Å"You are hereby respectfully CAUTIONED and advised, to avoid conversing with Watchmen and Police Officers of Boston† (Document C). Just as Northerners saw flaws in the Constitution, Southerners viewed it not to be perfect as well. President James Buchanan, a northern man with southern sympathies clarified, â€Å"As sovereign states, they and they alone, are responsible before God and the world for the slavery existing among them† (Document G). Regarding the Fugitive Slave Law, a Bostonian Transcendentalist, Ralph Waldo Emerson stated, â€Å"As soon as the Constitution ordains an immoral law, it ordains disunion†¦The Union is at an end as soon as an immoral law is enacted† (Document D). The constitutionality of the protective tariff was questioned during the panic of 1857, which Northerners blamed on the South. Yet another Bostonian, William Lloyd Garrison, an abolitionist reformer exclaimed, â€Å"The Constitution which subjects them [slaves] to hopeless bondage is one that we cannot swear to support† (Document E). Although the Constitution is clearly flawed because extremist on both sides had problems with it, this document, which is the supreme law of the land, does have positive aspects. ————————————————- By the 1850’s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it has created. This was shown by ambivalent interpretations of the constitution and other important documents when assorted together. It is known that the union did not last, for there was the Civil War. If everyone could agree on what the constitution implied, then there probably would not have been a civil war. From several of the documents, there are arguments about what the constitution states. (Document E), â€Å"To the Argument, that the word ‘slaves’ and ‘slavery’ are not to be found in The Constitution, and therefore it was never intended to give any protection or countenance to the slave system, it s sufficient to reply, that no such words are continued in the instrument, other words were used, intelligently and specifically, to meet the necessities of slavery. † This indicates that the constitution CAN be interpreted differently, and when used with other pertinent documents, can be incongruous. Those views that differentiated were of those in the North and South. The Constitution can be interpreted in many different ways, which leads to sectional discord and tension. For many reasons, the South evidently did not like what the constitution said. There were many conflictions with the compromise of 1850, map shown in (Document A) and the fugitive slave act. Certain northerners were so against slavery and the fugitive slave act that they even posted warnings for the slaves. (Document C), [shows how kidnappers were being sent after the slaves, and how Northern abolitionists were revolting against the South’s rules and regulations. ] This fugitive slave act also helped drive the tension deeper into the Un-United States. With drama now rumbling in the American underbellies, the small weight of anything slightly bad could set off a secession bomb. A freesoiler does not want to spread slavery, but he is okay with keeping it in a state it is already in. When the idea of popular sovereignty came about with the compromise of 1850, map shown in (Document A), those freesoilers in office were pushed harder into complex decisions over the popular sovereignty issue. (Document F) â€Å"FORCING SLAVERY DOWN THE THROAT OF A FREESOILER,† illustrates this in a very blatant text and disturbing political cartoon. All of the tension gathering, even authors were predestining the Civil War. Ralph Waldo Emerson believed that the Constitution, (when assorted with others like the fugitive slave law or the compromise of 1850) were contradictory, and that they aid to the now inevitable seeming end of the union. (Document D) â€Å"What kind of legislation is this? What kind of constitution which covers? †¦ I suppose the union can be left to take care of itself†¦. But one thing appears certain to me, that , as soon as the constitution ordains an immoral law, it ordains disunion. The law is suicidal, and cannot be obeyed. The union is at an end as soon as an immoral law is enacted. And he who writes a crime into the statute-book digs under the foundations of the capitol to plant there a powder-magazine, and lays a train† This proves that By the 1850’s the Constitution, originally framed as an instrument of national unity, had become a source of sectional discord and tension and ultimately contributed to the failure of the union it has created. This was shown by ambivalent interpretations of the constitution and other important documents when assorted together

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Representation of Youth Tribes and Subcultures in the Cinema of John Hughes

In this research essay I expect to find that the use of youth tribes and subcultures can clearly be identified in mid-80s comedy-dramas; particularly in those written, produced and directed by John Hughes. The primary texts I will be analysing are The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Weird Science. I have selected these texts as they are few of many that represent young people in an oppositional approach compared to the dominant ideologies of society at that time.I will be using Paul Hodkinson’s Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes and Stuart Hall’s Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices as secondary sources to inform this essay. I will also be looking at how teenagers have been represented in other media texts such as Grease and the American Pie sequel. The term â€Å"representation† can be defined as to how the language of media and its conventions are used to represent certain people and objects to the te xt’s targeted audience. Stuart Hall states in his book Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices that his definition of representation is:â€Å"To put it briefly, representation is the production of meaning through language†. Hall, (p. 16). Since the film industry blossomed it has been dominated by many ideologies as to what is ‘acceptable’ and what can be perceived as taboo; these theories also suggest how people should be represented. For example, theorist Vladimir Propp proposed that there are eight main characters to a film, stating that the woman is the passive â€Å"damsel-in-distress†. In Propp's book Morphology of the Folktale it is stated that the children who are interested in the fairy-tale genre, they apply their personalities with the character they feel most connected with:â€Å"Presumably, the kinds of choices made by a child might be related to his personality. For example, does a little boy select a female d onor figure to aid him against a male villain? Does a little girl select a male donor figure to assist her against her wicked stepmother? † Propp, (p. 10). However due to the numerous revelations, character ideologies have been adapted and have proven that the damsel can be subverted into the protagonist of a story and, more often than not, the antagonist; in particular, the ‘evil stepmother'.The genre of comedy-dramas came of age in the late 70s with romances and teenage dramas; however the genre was suddenly exemplified in the 80s by director John Hughes along with the infamous ‘brat pack’ of the era. In comedy-dramas the narrative normally includes tropes such as ‘the guy gets the girl’ with the help and guidance from his trusted sidekick who has to climb over the difficult obstacles of life and society. An iconic example of this trope can be seen in the late 70s classic musical Grease; where the boys in a gang are wearing leather jackets, th ey smoke, carry weapons and drive fast cars.As it quotes in Paul Hodkinson's Youth Cultures: Scenes, Subcultures and Tribes this was incredibly common for the transition from teenage years to adulthood: â€Å"Most obviously perhaps there has been the development of a series of legal classifications associated with different stages of youth, notably the age at which young people can vote, have sex, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol and drive motorcars†. (p. 4). In comparison to the ‘girl gang’ of the film, where Olivia Newton-John’s character Sandy is wearing pastels throughout the movie, which connotes her virginal lifestyle.This is where John Hughes appends a proclaimed statement that all teenagers are in some way the same and are based in stereotypes which make them similar, which is why I have chosen to analyse the films The Breakfast Club, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and Weird Science due to the fact that the main characters are all teenagers and the trilogy of films show the representation of youth tribes in a clear, semantic perspective that states that however a teenager may present themselves, they are all in some particular way the same.In the first chapter of the book Stereotypes and Stereotyping by C. Neil MacRae et al they state that stereotypes only exist in someone’s point of view: â€Å"This type of thought process reflects the most traditional conceptualization of stereotypes within social psychology, in which stereotypes are considered to be the â€Å"pictures in the head† of individuals looking out into their social words. But stereotypes also exist from the point of view of the person who is being stereotyped†. (p. 3)The Breakfast Club (1985) is a unique film, in the genre of teen comedies, because it focuses on the stereotype and probes deeper into the issue of ‘why they are the way they are’. This is a contrary to the teen comedy genre because most of such movies will defend st ereotypes of many forms, including sexuality and race. This can be seen in films such as American Pie and Not Another Teen Movie; the latter of which was effective in battling stereotypes by reinforcing them and therefore turning them into paradoxes. However, The Breakfast Club battles contemporary stereotypes differently.Each character has a personal problem that, seemingly, led to the way they act in public. Bender, being a rebel, retells how he is abused by his father. Such abuse can create a level of apathy about life, but Clark (a victim of a different kind of abuse) goes on to assume it is all â€Å"for show†. One can quickly see that the film not only addresses stereotypes, but it challenges them by showing that each student has an assumption about the other. By the end, everyone acknowledges that their colleagues are more rounded and individual than they initially thought, but agree that they are different.Johnson writes to the principal that they learned they all con tained some form of each stereotype and finished the essay with this following quote: â€Å"You see us as you want to see us: in the simplest terms, in the most convenient definitions. But, what we found out is that each one of us is a brain, and an athlete, and a basket case, and a princess and a criminal. Does that answer your question? † (The Breakfast Club, 1985). In 1990, Hughes directed a film that changed the traditional family’s Christmas’ dramatically.Home Alone, starring Macauly Culkin, was the beginning of one the most noticeable and well-known series in filmmaking and sticking to comedy-dramas, Hughes includes two robbers who act as the antagonists. However, he also included a subversion of intelligence between the 8 year old Kevin McAllister and the two inseparable robbers. Hughes portrays the child to be an intelligent, smart boy who sets his house with childish pranks as obstacles for the robbers to come across. However the adult burglars are repr esented as complete idiots and fall for each trap.The sharp direction within this subversion of the characters has become a trope in the comedy-drama genre. John Hughes is a well-acknowledged film director, producer and writer who has created some of the most humorous and warm-hearted movies for a family -based cinematic entertaining experience; and it was his movie-making abilities that gained him the label ‘the king of teen comedy’. Every young character in each infamous John Hughes film have been represented as clever and witty and they can easily get away with more than any normal teenagers should; especially Matthew Broderick’s character of Ferris Bueller.This subversion of intelligence from Home Alone could be seen four years earlier in one of Hughes’ greatest creations: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986). This film has been constructively criticised for its pure creativity and originality throughout the entire plot of the piece. Ferris Bueller a t the beginning of the film seems to just be a normal young man, who has the skill of faking an illness to skip school; however, he has an extraordinary amount of luck and whatever he plans for the day, it goes swiftly without questioning.Hughes has written the three main characters of Ferris Bueller, Cameron Frye and Sloane Peterson with individual, unique personalities. According to Pieter J. Fourie's: Media Studies, Volume 1: Media History, Media and Society, Levi-Strauss' theory of binary opposition can shape a person's identity: â€Å"Binary oppositions suggest that the meaning of something depends on its opposite: ‘good' is dependent on ‘bad'. Levi-Strauss' point of departure was that a collective practice of laws, rules and values direct the individual's thinking and behaviour.Furthermore, society's collective existence shapes the individual and determines his or her individuality. † (p. 249). Bueller is shown as a young man who knows everybody and wants to make the most of his life, whereas his pessimistic best friend, Frye, contrasts in personality as he seems to be living on his death bed due to his non-existent relationship with both parents. Peterson, however, is a beautiful young woman who has the reassurance of a motherly figure which can help provide Frye with the hope and faith that he needs.The subversion of intelligence is introduced into the film with the first sight of the Dean of Students, Edward Rooney. His determination to catch out Ferris on his ninth ‘sick day’ of the semester boils over his initial integrity and dignity, from getting spat in the face with Slush Puppie to being chased around the neighbourhood by the Bueller family’s pet Rottweiler. Rooney is represented as a teacher who has completely lost any glimpse of pride; leaving the three students roaming the streets of downtown Chicago with charm and comical wit.Art Silverblatt claims in his book Genre Studies in Mass Media: A Handbook tha t Ferris becomes a role model for everyone, even the adults: â€Å"Ferris’ nemesis, the school disciplinarian, Mr. Rooney, is obsessed with â€Å"getting Bueller†. His obsession emerges from envy. Strangely, Ferris serves as Rooney’s role model, as he clearly possesses the imagination and power that Rooney lacks†. (pp. 104-105). Weird Science (1985) was written and directed by John Hughes and stars one of the main members of the 80s ‘brat pack' Anthony Michael Hall who plays Gary Wallace, and Ilan Mitchell-Smith as Wyatt Donnelly.Another trademark characteristic that can be seen in numerous Hughes films is that the majority of them are set in the fictitious Chicago suburb of Shermer, Illinois. The first time the audience spots the two Science geeks in the film is when they're gawking at the girls gym class at school. They may be skinny, but Hughes didn't write them to have glasses or severe acne, as he didn't feel the need to classify the ‘gee ks' from the ‘jocks' as they caneasily be spotted without their stereotypical features; for example the geeks normally have their trousers hoisted up paste their waste, showing their ankles, whereas the jocks would have letterman jackets, be well built and structured but also be shown as a little bit dumb. However, what Hughes does, is write the characters in a way that any actor of the film could play that character, I believe that the semantic purpose of the film is to inform the audience that stereotypes only exist if the audience perceive them to be that stereotype; this means that everyone can be seen as the same without any judgement of their clothing or hairstyle.The end of the film supports my suggestion, as the two geeks get both of the jocks' girlfriends due to the help of their Barbie-doll 23 year old, computerised woman Lisa, played by Kelly LeBrock. In conclusion, the representation of youth tribes used within the cinema of John Hughes is trying to inform the audi ence that there are stereotypes, but they are only perceived via a person’s point of view.This perception of stereotypes creates space for characters to be represented within an archetype; which portrays them to be seen as the same, in a small, yet evidently noticeable way. The mid-80s opened up the possibilities for teen dramas and John Hughes created iconic role models using teenage adolescence for the young public viewers. According to Art Silverblatt’s Genre Studies in Mass Media: A Handbook, he claims: â€Å"By the 1980s, adolescence, even with its uncertainties, emerged as the centre of popular culture, with adulthood reduced to irrelevance†. (p. 105).

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Executive Orders Definition and Application

Executive Orders Definition and Application A presidential executive order (EO) is a directive issued to federal agencies, department heads, or other federal employees by the President of the United States under his statutory or constitutional powers. In many ways, presidential executive orders are similar to written orders, or instructions issued by the president of a corporation to its department heads or directors. Thirty days after being published in the Federal Register, executive orders take effect. While they do bypass the U.S. Congress and the standard legislative law making process, no part of an executive order may direct the agencies to conduct illegal or unconstitutional activities. Brief History or Executive Orders The first recognized executive order was issued by President George Washington on June 8, 1789, in the form of a letter to the heads of all federal departments instructing them to â€Å"impress me with a full, precise, and distinct general idea of the affairs of the United States.† Since then, all U.S. presidents, with the exception of William Henry Harrison have issued executive orders, ranging from presidents Adams, Madison and Monroe, who issued only one each, to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who issued 3,522 executive orders. The practice of numbering and officially documenting executive orders as such did not begin until 1907 when the Department of State instituted the present-day numbering system. Applying the system retroactively, the agency designated the â€Å"Executive Order Establishing a Provisional Court in Louisiana,† issued by President Abraham Lincoln on October 20, 1862, as â€Å"United States Executive Order 1.† Perhaps the most impactful and certainly most famous executive order was the Emancipation Proclamation issued by President Abraham Lincoln on January 1, 1863, directing all agencies of the federal government to treat the 3.5 million African American slaves being held in the seceded Confederate states as free men and women.   Reasons for Issuing Executive Orders Presidents typically issue executive orders for one of these purposes:1. Operational management of the executive branch2. Operational management of federal agencies or officials3. To carry out statutory or constitutional presidential responsibilities Notable Executive Orders In 1970, President Richard Nixon used this executive order to establish a new federal agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, under the Department of Commerce.Shortly after the December 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066, directing the internment of more than 120,000 Japanese-Americans, many of whom were U.S. citizens.In reaction to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush issued this executive order combining over 40 federal law enforcement agencies and creating the Cabinet-level Department of Homeland Security.As one of his first official actions, President Obama issued an executive order that some claimed allowed him to hide his personal records - like his birth certificate - from the public. In fact, the order had a very different goal. During his first 100 days in office, 45th President Donald Trump issued more executive orders than any other recent president. Many of President Trump’s early executive orders were intended to fulfill his campaign promises by undoing several policies of his predecessor President Obama. Among the most significant and controversial of these executive orders were: Executive Order Minimizing the Economic Burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care ActEO No. 13765 Signed: Jan. 20, 2017: The order reversed provisions of the Affordable Care Act - Obamacare - which he had promised to â€Å"repeal and replace† during the campaign.Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United StatesEO No. 13768 Signed Jan. 25, 2017: The order, intended to reduce illegal immigration, denied federal grant money to so-called sanctuary cities.Protecting the Nation From Foreign Terrorist Entry Into the United StatesEO No. 13769 signed Jan. 27, 2017: The order temporarily suspended immigration from the Muslim-majority countries of Syria, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, Yemen, and Somalia Can Executive Orders be Overridden or Withdrawn? The president can amend or retract his or her own  executive order at any time. The president may also issue an executive order superseding or nullifying executive orders issued by former presidents. New incoming presidents may choose to retain the executive orders issued by their predecessors, replace them with new ones of their own, or revoke the old ones completely. In extreme cases, Congress may pass a law that alters an executive order, and they can be declared unconstitutional and vacated by the Supreme Court. Executive Orders vs. Proclamations Presidential proclamations differ from executive orders in that they are either ceremonial in nature or deal with issues of trade and may or may not carry legal effect. Executive orders have the legal effect of a law. Constitutional Authority for Executive Orders Article II, section 1 of the U.S. Constitution reads, in part, The executive power shall be vested in a president of the United States of America. And, Article II, section 3 asserts that  The President shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed... Since the Constitution does not specifically define executive power, critics of executive orders argue that these two passages do not imply constitutional authority. But, presidents of the United States since George Washington have argued that they do and have used them accordingly. Modern Use of Executive Orders Until World War I, executive orders were used for relatively minor, usually unnoticed acts of state. That trend changed drastically with the  passage of the War Powers Act of 1917. This act passed during WWI granted the president temporary powers to immediately enact laws regulating trade, economy, and other aspects of policy as they pertained to enemies of America. A key section of the War Powers act also contained language specifically excluding American citizens from its effects. The War Powers Act remained in effect and unchanged until 1933 when a freshly elected President Franklin D. Roosevelt found America in the panic stage of the Great Depression. The first thing FDR did was to convene a special session of Congress where he introduced a bill amending the War Powers Act to remove the clause excluding American citizens from being bound by its effects. This would allow the president to declare national emergencies and unilaterally enact laws to deal with them. This massive amendment was approved by both houses of Congress in less than 40 minutes without debate. Hours later, FDR officially declared the depression a national emergency and started issuing a string of executive orders that effectively created and implemented his famed New Deal policy. While some of FDRs actions were, perhaps, constitutionally questionable, history now acknowledges them as having helped to avert the peoples growing panic and starting our economy on its way to recovery. Presidential Directives and Memorandums Same as Executive Orders Occasionally, presidents issue orders to executive branch agencies through presidential directives or presidential memorandums, instead of executive orders. In January 2009, the U.S. Department of Justice issued a statement declaring presidential directives (memorandums) to have exactly the same effect as executive orders. A presidential directive has the same substantive legal effect as an executive order. It is the substance of the presidential action that is determinative, not the form of the document conveying that action, wrote acting U.S. Assistant Attorney General Randolph D. Moss. Both an executive order and a presidential directive remain effective upon a change in administration unless otherwise specified in the document, and both continue to be effective until subsequent presidential action is taken.

Monday, October 21, 2019

life balance in todays gig economy

Maintaining a healthy work/life balance in todays gig economy Working in the gig economy can make taking time off difficult. Use these tips to understand how to take time off and avoid burning yourself out! It’s an all too common problem in the gig economy. Fresh-faced freelancers and entrepreneurs, eager to pull in as much cash as possible, overpromise and overcommit. They set expectations for themselves that are impossible to achieve, and work inhumanly-long hours.It’s inherently unsustainable, and I’ve lost count of the number of freelancers and contractors I’ve seen plunge headlong into burnout.In a world where more and more people are choosing the path of self-employment, maintaining a healthy work/life balance has never been more difficult. It’s also never been more important. There are no laws preventing a freelancer from overworking themselves, no guidelines as to what constitutes an acceptable work-week.You need to figure that out yourself – here’s where to start.Understand your own limi tationsFirst and foremost, it’s important that you understand your own capabilities. Some people can effortlessly work upwards of fifty or sixty hours a week without missing a beat. Such people are rare.Most of us have limitations. We have a limited amount of energy to put towards our job. A limited amount of focus where projects are concerned.As you gain experience in your field, you’ll probably be able to work more effectively and efficiently. But particularly at the beginning, it’s important to understand how much work you can take on, and how much work will leave you with drowning. Learn to recognize when you’re starting to feel overwhelmed, and when it’s time for you to take a break.Start setting a schedule – and stick to it Flexibility is a big reason a lot of people involve themselves in the gig economy in the first place. And while there’s certainly still room for flexibility in your career, I’d strongly advise setting a schedule for yourself. There are a few reasons for this.Having scheduled times for work and relaxation will help you avoid being overworked – you’ll likely find it easier to take a break if you slot time for one on your calendar.Planning things out in advance will make it easier to stay on top of any projects you’re working on or client demands you need to address.You’ll be able to schedule work hours to the time that you’re most productive. For some people, that’s the morning – others might find they do their best work in the afternoon or evening.Take care of yourselfLast but certainly not least, bear in mind that your body is like any machine in that proper maintenance is important if it’s to keep working at peak efficiency. That means eating healthy and getting enough sleep. It means exercising regularly and making sure you set aside enough time for activities that let your mind relax.You might think you’re getting more done by staying up well past midnight, but you aren’t. Not really. Ensuring you’re fresh-faced and healthy is the best way to not only be better at doing your job but also maintain a balance between your career and everything else in your life.In the gig economy, it’s frighteningly easy to fall into the habit of working yourself to the bone. While that may make you a bit of money in the short-term, it’ll come back to bite you in the long term. Far better for you to establish healthy habits and limits at the onset, and – you can always adjust them later if you feel you’re able to take on more.About the Author: Dave Allen is the owner of Ridesharecentral, a company that provides information to current and new rideshare drivers. Rideshare Central makes it easier for rideshare drivers to get started and drive profitably. Follow them on Twitter @ridesharecent.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

5 Tips for Styling Numbers

5 Tips for Styling Numbers 5 Tips for Styling Numbers 5 Tips for Styling Numbers By Mark Nichol Below youll find a handful of tips about appropriate use of numbers in various contexts. 1. Money Isolated, casual references to amounts of money of one hundred dollars or less or one hundred cents or less are usually spelled out (â€Å"I made over fifty dollars in one afternoon†; â€Å"Remember when a candy bar cost twenty-five cents?†). Amounts over those limits are generally styled with numerals and a dollar sign, as are smaller amounts when more than one amount is listed and at least one is less than a hundred dollars (â€Å"The chair cost $237, and the table was $89†). When amounts of less than and more than a dollar are combined, use dollar signs and figures in that case as well (â€Å"The price tags read ‘$0.75’ and ‘$1.25’†). Numerous instances of monetary figure call for the use of numerals in most cases, but larger rounded figures may be spelled out, even when inconsistent with precise dollar figures (â€Å"I made over fifty thousand dollars for the first time last year: $51,500.†) Numbers in the millions and higher orders of magnitude may be in combined numeral and spelled-out form (â€Å"The project was budgeted at $2.5 million†). 2. Numerals at the Beginning of a Sentence Sentences should never begin with a numeral; either spell out the number (â€Å"Two thousand eleven was the year the business turned a profit†) or recast the sentence (â€Å"The business first turned a profit in 2011†). Another option is to precede the number with the phrase â€Å"The year,† but doing so introduces inconsistency if every reference to a year, regardless of position in a sentence, does not follow a repetition of the phrase; that solution is also awkward. 3. Number Ranges En dashes (or hyphens, employed in place of en dashes on many Web sites) are used in number ranges for example, to indicate life span, years of rule or years in office, athletic or artistic seasons, or page ranges as an alternative to â€Å"from x to y† or â€Å"from x through y.† An en dash should not be used with the word from. (Incorrect: â€Å"He reigned from 1863-1895†; correct: â€Å"He reigned from 1863 to 1895† or â€Å"He reigned 1863-1895†). The same principle applies for the word between: â€Å"Between 250 and 300 people attended,† not â€Å"Between 250-300 people attended,† is correct. 4. Superscript Many writers submit manuscripts that feature the letters in ordinal numerals in superscript form that is, st, nd, rd, and th raised above the font’s baseline. This form is seldom needed when following the style rule that numbers are spelled out up to one hundred, but when ordinals are required (â€Å"The ribbon read ‘1st Place’†; â€Å"the 101st Airborne Division†), they should be on the baseline, not raised. Instructions for how to change superscript ordinals to baseline ordinals are available through an online search. Also, when a date is written, the ordinal form is extraneous; simply write â€Å"January 1,† not â€Å"January 1st.† (In the absence of the month, the date should be spelled out: â€Å"Her reply followed on the twenty-first.† If a publication’s number style is to spell numbers out only to ten, the form shown her applies: â€Å"Her reply followed on the 21st.† 5. The Plural of Zero In Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary, zeros is the first of two alternatives for the plural of zero. The other, of course, is zeroes. The first choice is not the superior one; it is listed first simply because it is simpler. But many editors follow a convention that, for consistency, the dictionary’s first of more than one alternatives is the standard except when the preference for another is codified in the house style guide. Therefore, zeros is generally the correct style. Note, however, that the correct spelling of the present-tense verb form meaning â€Å"focuses† or â€Å"aims† is zeroes (â€Å"Disregarding the pursuing planes, he zeroes in on his target†). If you want to read more on this topic check out these two articles we published in the past: 10 Rules for Writing Numbers and Numerals and How to Style Numbers. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Avoid Beginning a Sentence with â€Å"With†That vs. WhichNeither... or?

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Time Capsule Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Time Capsule - Essay Example Between 1404 and 1414, Konrad came up with a number of paintings that were a depiction of ‘The Crucifixion’. During this period of Renaissance, religious forms were widespread in the society because of a society domination of the Church of Roam and the Catholic Church (Kleiner, 2006). On the Age of Baroque, an example of a possible Caravaggio find would be one of Caravaggio’s paintings—an Italian painter who downplayed the pre-existing rules of painting and came up with a new way of doing his artwork. His paintings, such as the â€Å"Inspiration of Saint Mathew,† were a reflection of the emotional and physical aspects of a human being. His work was a true image of â€Å"The Age of Baroque† in Italy and France that used exaggerated motion to elicit drama, grandeur, and tension alike (Guisepi, 2007). Music Throughout the existence of humanity, music has existed to move the human being emotionally and pump him up physically. In both periods of Renaissance and the Age of Baroque, music could be found in the form of sheets or notes. This could be a clear reflection of an era where the humanity existed without any advancement in technology that dominates the contemporary world. Additionally, from a critical look at of some of the musicians one would show that they helped to lay a platform of establishing musical sound of then and today. One is likely to find music notes of the likes of Leonel Power, a composer of early Renaissance times and Jacopo Peri, an Italian musician of the Age of Baroque (Guisepi, 2007). Descriptions of drawings or architecture Architects of the Renaissance time wanted to transform their status of professionalism from skilled laborers to artists. The architects of this era wanted to come up with structures that would be appealing to the human being both emotionally and reason wise (Kleiner, 2006). In this regard, one would hope to find in the time capsule notes and a set of plans on marvels like the Florence Cathedral among other great structures of the time that paved way for modern architecture. In the time capsule, works by Renaissance architects like Leon Battista, Andrea Palladio, and Filipo Brunelleschi could be a possible find. A possible reflection of Baroque architecture could be through finding the works of architect like Sir Christopher Wren. Such a finding would mirror the new emphasis that Baroque architecture placed on bold massing, domes, and light and shade colonnades etcetera. A possible find in the time capsule would be a set of plans or notes that relate to the rebuilding of the churches of London following the 1666 Great Fire of London (Kleiner, 2006). Philosophy From a philosophical point of view, the age of Renaissance portrayed a transition from the mediaeval thinking of an anonymous existence to the uniqueness in man be cause of enlightenment that characterized the man of the time. While Greece could be the source of early philosophers, the age of Renaissance came up with new values while old philosophies found new meanings. Recovery of ancient documents, renewed emphasis on individual freedom, and opposition of institutional authority made the practice of education undergo a revolution. In the time capsule, one can locate a copy of Galileo’s work on the telescope. A more interesting find however would be a discovery of the telescope he used to make astronomical observations. Galileo, an Italian, helped revolutionize the scientific landscape of the era of Renaissance through his invention of the telescope and many contributions in mathematics and physics. The nature of the Age of Baroque could be reflected in the time capsule by coming across the work of a philosopher of the time like

Friday, October 18, 2019

Hydraulic fracturing in the USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hydraulic fracturing in the USA - Essay Example Fracking open up fractures in the rocks allowing oil and gas to flow. Drilling alone cannot be used to extract trapped shale gas in thin layers between the rocks. Therefore, gas and oil producers in the United States have deployed hydraulic fracturing to facilitate the mining into large shale natural gas and oil deposits. The use of the hydraulic fracturing to extract natural gas and oil has ensured a long-term energy security outlook in the United States. This is due to the ability to exploit the shale. In this regard, the crude oil reserves have been bolstered by 11% and led to 47% surge in gas reserves across the United States. Fracking has reduced dependence on foreign energy sources, and as results the cost of energy has reduced helping to revive the economy. Therefore, there is a direct reduction of importation of natural gas. With hydraulic fracturing, there has been an expansion in the employment sector especially in the United States. The industry engaging on natural gas and oil production has employed more than 1.2 million people in the United States. Extracting underground minerals using hydraulic fracturing has some negative effect on water. The mining process requires millions of gallons of water. Therefore, water gets trucked around the shale and directed into the well; thus there is a diversion of water from other uses by the neighboring communities (Schultz, 2012). Moreover, some hazardous chemicals mixed with water may find the way into the fresh water aquifers especially if there exist poorly constructed wells. This endangers the health of organisms using such water. Hydraulic fracturing process together with the injection of wastewater into deep wells practice, cause minor earthquakes to shale exploitation areas. The survey of geologists of the United States has revealed that some tremors from hydraulic

Womens Liberation through the Equal Rights Amendment Research Paper - 1

Womens Liberation through the Equal Rights Amendment - Research Paper Example The aim of this scholarly treatise is not only to provide pertinent information regarding the women rights advocacy but also to demonstrate insightful ideas and recommendations for the now and the future. In 1848, the first-ever Women’s Rights Convention was held in Seneca Falls, New York. Abolitionists Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott spearheaded the two-day meeting of over 300 people who rallied for justice and equality for women who author outline from the rights and privileges of a citizen. The said convention generated the Declaration of Sentiments among other eleven resolutions denouncing inequality and proposing suffrage. However, the nation was far from ready to seriously pay attention to the issue of women’s rights and thought that the call for justice was not only ridiculous but also a worthless endeavor (Becker 39). After the Civil War, while the constitutional reformation centered on giving freedom to the slaves, Susan B. Anthony and Sojourner Truth, as well as the already-veteran Stanton, fought for the legal ground of providing the same civil and political rights that men enjoy to the American woman. Citing the 14th and 15th Amendments of the Constitution that the right to vote shall not be deprived to citizens on basis of their race, color and previous states of servitude, these women freedom fighters underscored the obvious and utter neglect of women in the laws of the land (Whitney 57).   In 1872 during the presidential election, Anthony cast her ballot in one of the poll precincts in New York invoking her right as a citizen as provided in the 14th Amendment. Her somehow rebellious act prompted her arrest, conviction and a penalty of $100, which she refused to pay.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Pan pacific hotel vancouver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pan pacific hotel vancouver - Essay Example Pan pacific is a brand name and has many branches in different continents. In 1976, Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta debuted; it was the first pan pacific hotel (Boella, & Turner, 2013). Since then the san pacific brand has extended its branches as they are located in America and the Asian continent. The pan pacific hotels can be found in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the United States. This article will narrow into one of the pan pacific hotels, the Pan Pacific Vancouver (Boella, & Turner, 2013). The pan pacific Vancouver is located in Canada place in Canada Vancouver. The hotel has been rated among the leading hotels in Canada. Its location is also very strategic having been placed at Vancouver’s waterfront. The Pan Pacific Vancouver has an excellent Canada view, for example the mountains, coal harbor and the city’s skyline. This makes Pan Pacific Vancouver edge out competition as it is on a place of its own. The strategic location also makes Pan Pacific Vancouver more than just a hotel known for food. It makes business meetings, group tourists and conferences perfect and on point. This is because the hotels proximity to banking halls, shopping malls, leisure places like theatres, parks, clubs and the marina is a stone throw away (Boella, & Turner, 2013). In addition to being near the main facilities that are needed for tourists, business people, and groups, there is a sea wall which goes around Pan Pacific’s waterfront, then to the Stanley park and then to the hotel, this is often used as sport for sports lovers since people can bike, run, they can have relaxation walks or skate board back to the hotel. The location is not only suitable for physically active people as the elderly and conservative people can sit and watch cruise liners from their rooms. The view is refreshing and superb. The Pan Pacific Vancouver has a number of quality service offered to its customers apart from food.

What inhabits governments from simply crushing protest by force Essay

What inhabits governments from simply crushing protest by force - Essay Example We are therefore, going to discuss reasons that the government avoids using force to stop protests as below. The government will never use force to crash protest because this would mean to violate the human rights. For example, black southern student sit-in movement was conducted by Civil Rights activists between 1957 and 1960 and affected at least fifteen cities in Greensboro, North Carolina was a function of well-developed and integrated widespread internal organization of civil right participants. Many demonstrations were organized in black people churches that supported the activists with finance. Some of the leaders of the protests were priest, teachers and heads of local organizations. Therefore, use of force to stop their protest would never be possible because it would go to the worst of killing these leaders. This would make the society to lose important people as they played important role in the society.Instead, the government used interviews to dig deep to the reason of the protest a move viewed to be the right move by the Protestants. The interviewers were given freedom to spe ak out their grievances while the government listening to them.As a result, the participants were able to present their facts in such a way as to enhance their own status. The interviews were appropriate because the accounted for individuals who participated in and were eyewitnesses to the events that were occurring. The government was able to understand about the sit-in that they were connected rather than isolated, initiated through organizations and personal ties, rationally planned and lead by established leaders and supported by indigenous resources thus use of force could not help to end the sit-ins but would have led to more chaos between the sit-ins activists and the government. On the other hand , it was impossible for the government to use force to crash the protests because the cycle of the organization linked to even those involve in the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pan pacific hotel vancouver Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Pan pacific hotel vancouver - Essay Example Pan pacific is a brand name and has many branches in different continents. In 1976, Sari Pan Pacific Jakarta debuted; it was the first pan pacific hotel (Boella, & Turner, 2013). Since then the san pacific brand has extended its branches as they are located in America and the Asian continent. The pan pacific hotels can be found in Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and the United States. This article will narrow into one of the pan pacific hotels, the Pan Pacific Vancouver (Boella, & Turner, 2013). The pan pacific Vancouver is located in Canada place in Canada Vancouver. The hotel has been rated among the leading hotels in Canada. Its location is also very strategic having been placed at Vancouver’s waterfront. The Pan Pacific Vancouver has an excellent Canada view, for example the mountains, coal harbor and the city’s skyline. This makes Pan Pacific Vancouver edge out competition as it is on a place of its own. The strategic location also makes Pan Pacific Vancouver more than just a hotel known for food. It makes business meetings, group tourists and conferences perfect and on point. This is because the hotels proximity to banking halls, shopping malls, leisure places like theatres, parks, clubs and the marina is a stone throw away (Boella, & Turner, 2013). In addition to being near the main facilities that are needed for tourists, business people, and groups, there is a sea wall which goes around Pan Pacific’s waterfront, then to the Stanley park and then to the hotel, this is often used as sport for sports lovers since people can bike, run, they can have relaxation walks or skate board back to the hotel. The location is not only suitable for physically active people as the elderly and conservative people can sit and watch cruise liners from their rooms. The view is refreshing and superb. The Pan Pacific Vancouver has a number of quality service offered to its customers apart from food.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

What is meant by Project Planning and why we need a detailed project Essay

What is meant by Project Planning and why we need a detailed project plan for every project - Essay Example The present study would focus on project planning as an essential part of project management. It refers to the use of specialised tools such as Gantt Charts in order to plan and monitor the progress of a project. The use of project planning ensures that the project environment is stewarded continuously so that any known and unknown risks are monitored and dealt with in order to optimise the project cost and schedule. Typically, project planning begins with the definition of project scope. This ensures that fitting methods are determined in order to take the project to completion. Once project scope is well defined, the next step is to define activity structure. The various tasks required to execute the project are listed down as activities and the estimated time for these activities is listed down. These activities are grouped together and the resulting structure is known as the work breakdown structure (WBS). The WBS provides a fitting insight to how various tasks and activities are fitted together in terms of their dependencies on each other. Generally, the WBS tasks and activities are defined through the use of an activity network diagram. This tool allows the determination of the critical path which in turn provides information regarding: - all activities and tasks needed to complete the project that are arranged within a WBS; - the duration of time required to complete these activities and tasks; - the various kinds of dependencies between various tasks and activities. ... This optimisation is carried out in order to comply with the overall project goals and objectives. This process is known as resource levelling and it is carried out to ensure that all activities and tasks are carried out with the optimal use of resources and time. When resource levelling is carried out, the formed plan is known as the baseline. As the project proceeds, the baseline is used to compare the status of physical activities on ground with the agreed objectives. Generally, the baseline is used throughout the entire project life to both monitor and steward progress. The process used to compare actual progress to the baseline is better known as earned value management (Fleming, 2005). The major inputs required for the project-planning phase include the concept proposal as well as the project charter while the outputs are the project requirements, the project management plan and the project schedule. These inputs and outputs are used in tandem and may be revised as the project proceeds. Most projects that are executed are unique in nature and so entail unique requirements. This requires that projects are planned individually and executed accordingly including any changes that may be required as the project proceeds. 2. Need for Project Planning Planning is required for all sorts of processes that have economic value in order to ensure that these processes are competitive. The lack of planning lends credence to the fact that execution would be inefficient and would cost more than usual. In addition, projects are generally unique by their intrinsic design so that the tasks and activities are differentiated from one project to the other. When projects are being

Monday, October 14, 2019

Difference between poems Essay Example for Free

Difference between poems Essay Both poems are a response to other peoples idea of the poets cultural identities. The poems are written as though the poet is replying to some one directly. Half-Cast is about a multi cultural person who is standing up against racism and against people look down upon them because of their ethnicity. John Agard is arguing with the person who is being racist to him by questioning if Half-Cast means he is half a man. Still I rise is about a woman, Maya Angelou who has had a traumatic personal and cultural history but still she rises above it. She has had to face racial and sexual prejudice, but she still stands strong. In Half-Cast John Agard opens the poem with a polite but angry request. This opening is only an angry one because of the following lines. Excuse me; standing on one leg, I am half-cast This sarcasm is showing that he is trying to be nice but is annoyed about it. The first line is very polite but immediately after the poet is acquiring the reader of suggesting he is half a man by using the words half-caste. He uses informal language throughout the poem, the language is also written in john Agards dialect. It makes you say the words how it sounds. This could be the poet celebrating his culture. Explain yuself, Wha yu mean This also makes you as the reader feel the anger, annoyance and sadness through the Agards tone. The structure of the poem is simple but effective by using a three line opening two quite large stanzas then closes with three lines. One poetic technique he uses in each stanza is repetition of his points. Explain yuself, Wha yu mean This is repeated also so that Agard could give his reasons for being insulted and emphasises his argument. In each stanza he uses comparisons; When yu say half-caste, Yu mean Tchaikovsky, Sit down at dah piano, an mix a black key Wid a white key, Is a half-caste symphony. This is questioning it Tchaikovskys music should be seen as inferior because he mixed black and white notes. The poem is well structured and the language is perfectly composed. I have keep using this quote as it very strong and uses a lot of poetic techniques. Explain yu self, Wha yu mean. The comparisons are very good because you can understand and relate to his point as he compares his situation using metaphors. Still I rise, it is set out in 8 stanzas, and in which 7 out of 8 are all the same lengths except the eighth as it is the last stanza and is the climax of the poem. The language she uses is mostly formal but it very up beat. You may kill me, but she is not bothered. In some stanzas it seems as she is mocking the person/people who are putting her down; like they are pathetic. Does my sexiness upset you the word sexiness in this context does not only imply that she is beautiful and believes that she is, but that she feels proud of her culture, which makes her confident. Maya uses many techniques in her writing such as through out the poem she uses rhetorical questions. Did you want to see me broken? These questions force the reader to think and imagine about there own views on racism and what it would be like to be in her shoes. She also uses personification; You may kill me with your hatefulness. This is effective because kill me is a very strong phrase and keeps creating the image of her arriving back at her town after the sager. Throughout the poem she has used a rhyming pattern of every first and last lines this is successful as it builds a flowing structure to the poem. The poet uses repetition to emphasise her point Out of the hut of historys shame I rise Up from a. I rise. This shows that once again she has risen above it. Historys shame this is a direct reference to the struggles faced by her ancestors in her cultural history. I think that Mayas technique clearly puts her point across and the last stanza finishes the poem with a strong phrase of I rise, I rise, I rise, I rise presenting that life is hard but what ever it throws at you, you shall rise above it. In each of the poems Maya Angelou and John Agard use repetition which emphasises their subliminal messages in the poem. John Agard gets quite defensive and angry, whereas Maya Angelou although angry and annoyed she stays calms and rises above it. I think the message of the two poems is that even when we are faced with prejudice and discrimination we can be the better people by not complying with it. I also believe the most effective techniques used to present their opinions of their cultures and peoples perception of them were repetition, similes and rhetorical questions; this created the tense moments that draw the reader in to go on and finish the poem.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Japans Economic Development and Times of Instability

Japans Economic Development and Times of Instability Japan Economic status Japan’s possibility of controlling the 2011’s Disaster The enormous tremor and tidal wave that struck Japan in March 2011, and the accompanying arrival of radiation from the Fukushima Daiichi atomic force station, speak to one of the best catastrophes to strike the country of Japan in late memory (Bacon, 2014). Canadian media differ on some degree that it was conceivable to control the catastrophe however on my perspective I see Japan had done everything conceivable to keep it from happening. This is as per the way I will clarify underneath. Planning to react to, and relieve the effect of, debacles and conveying help amid and after the occurrence include the readiness and reaction part of managing fiascos. The country of Japan sorted out a huge, fast reaction. Official interchanges that adequately recognize dangers to the general population relieve catastrophes by advancing measures and practices that stay away from, minimize, get ready for, or react to dangers. For such hazard correspondence to be successful it should justifiable, believable, and significant. Japan depended intensely on formal early cautioning frameworks, departure arranges, and alarms to farthest point death toll. As noted, Japan has a far reaching cautioning framework for fiascos like seismic tremors. The administration additionally utilized an assortment of mediums from conventional cautioning sirens to social networking instruments, for example, Twitter Different countries, global associations, non-legislative offices, and outside donors and volunteers routinely offer guide and support in the wake of fiascos. In any case, it is less regular for the most created and well off countries to oblige or demand outside guide. The administration of Japan has a blendsed record in applying remote guide. Role of OPEC on Japan’s Economy Association of the Petroleum Exporting Countries a changeless, universal association headquartered in Vienna, Austria, was created in Baghdad, Iraq on 10–14 September 1960. Its command is to organize and bring together the petroleum approaches of its individuals and to guarantee the adjustment of oil markets to secure an effective, monetary and general supply of petroleum to shoppers, an enduring wage to makers, and a reasonable profit for capital for those putting resources into the petroleum business. It has influenced Japans economy in the accompanying ways. The high and rising cost of oil weights on Japan in two ways. First and foremost, it brings down the way of life underneath what it would some way or another be. Second, it influences the economy in ways that are troublesome for policymakers to oversee. from one viewpoint, the rising oil value goads general expansion. on the other, it discourages local interest and vocation. Policymakers normally dont completely counterbalance the impact on job on the grounds that they all the while attempt to hold down the rate of expansion (Tanimoto, 2006) .Price levels in the Japan rise more with oil cost increments than do value levels in other modern oil-importing nations. The Japan Consumer Price Index rises more than shopper cost lists in different nations primarily in light of the fact that vitality masses bigger in Japan. utilization. The GNP deflator, regularly counseled as a more extensive measure of value execution, likewise rises more in the Japan than in different nations. The deflator measures the cost of locally created yield ; its increment reflects bigger Japan. household oil generation in respect to aggregate GNP an outcome of more prominent Japan. vitality independence. Hence, an ascent in salary and oil utilization will expand Japan oil import volume by a generally bigger rate than it will that of other significant oil-importing nations. Lexus a Legend and not a myth Most incredible autos attained to their status because of one of a kind thoughts, unique configuration, character (whatever may that be) or bliss they convey to their proprietors and drivers. Things being what they are, is it even feasible for a businesslike, coldly proficient and for the most part subsidiary auto to turn into a legend? At the point when the first Lexus, called LS400, was presented in 1989, it unquestionably wasnt the most unique auto available. Truth be told, it not just looked a ton like a W126 Mercedes S-class of the time, it was even named comparably (uproot the L and the auto would fit directly into the naming framework Mercedes began utilizing a couple of years after the fact). Furthermore, it was no occurrence – the LS400 was a consequence of Toyota metals choice to move their business upmarket (Dawson, 2011). A valid example, the 1990 LS400 you can see on pictures here. I obtained it from my companion and kindred motoring writer, who purchased it after he drove it in no holds barred correlation test with another LS600h, and figured out the old one is not just more agreeable than the present one, and even feels more strong.. For one, the thing feels a great deal more cutting edge than any quarter-an exceptionally old auto has any privilege to be. From the cool lit up instrument group with recessed nitwit lights, making an interesting three-dimensional impact like something from Star Trek, to the very much suppressed and exceptionally complex sound of the four-cam, four-liter V8 giving 250 pull. So its actual Lexus is a Legend. Another brand that tackled the greatest names in the business, and hit the nail on the head surprisingly. Furthermore, even after quarter of a century, a standout amongst the most agreeable autos, ever. Recommendation on Japan’s Millitary SHINZO ABE, Japans head administrator, came back to power in 2012 promising to switch a long haul fall in military spending. He has kept that promise. On August 29th the nations resistance service put in a record spending plan solicitation of 5.5 trillion yen ($53 billion), for one year from now, up 3.5% from FY2014. On the off chance that acknowledged by the Diet, it will be the third continuous ascent in spending, compensating for 10 years of decay. The militarys shopping rundown incorporates three automatons, 20 observation flying machine, six F-35 stealth warriors, a submarine and cash for area to manufacture another army installation on a remote island. These buys ought to trigger no alerts, demands Itsunori Onodera, Japans resistance priest (imagined). They are, he says, only about upkeep of Japans protection. China is, obviously, prone to see the overdo it in an unexpected way. A significant part of the resistance assemble up is gone for preventing an assault on Japans far-flung south-east, site of a strained standoff with China over the Senkaku islands (known in China, which asserts them, as the Diaoyu). Japans most recent resistance white paper again refers to perilous exercises by Chinese boats and air ship, which have organized a series of invasions into the oceans around the islands in a high-hazard offer to drive Japan to the arranging table. The planets second biggest economy has turned into an inexorably advanced and independent military force, says Narushige Michishita, a security master in Tokyo. More military spending may not be sufficient to check this advancement, he says. We may need to think of the Asian rendition of NATO; inexactly characterized, approximately arranged†¦ and barring China. Will the Japanese economic bubble burst by 2020? The Japanese resource value air pocket was a financial rise in Japan from 1986 to 1991 in which land and securities exchange costs were extraordinarily swelled .The air pocket scene was portrayed by quick speeding up of benefit costs and overheated monetary action, and an uncontrolled cash supply and credit development More particularly, arrogance and hypothesis with respect to resource and stock costs has been nearly connected with over the top fiscal facilitating arrangement around then. The 1964 Tokyo Olympics put Japan on the guide universally, gave the nation the self-assurance to turn into a worldwide monetary and social power, kickstarting 3 many years of marvelous development. When 2020 comes around (Mansharani, 2011), 56 years will have gone by and Japan will be pretty much 3 decades past its financial crest. Where can Japan get to in the following 7 years and what does this mean for organizations and brand in Japan? A significant part of the universal response to Tokyo being named as host city for the 2020 Olympics has given the news a role as an appreciated fillip to a slow economy and desolated national mind. Those of us who experience life in Japan direct have ended up usual to the differentiation between the truth on the ground and the Japan-on-the-ropes story delineated by universal news channels, thus we see the 2020 Games comes about through a marginally diverse lens. So it is against this background that Japan acknowledges the honor of facilitating the 2020 Games, remunerated for being the financial and social safe pair of hands that the Tokyo offer effectively proposed to the IOC board. It is no big surprise Prime Minister Abe portrayed the outcome as a larger number of cheerful than his 2012 decision result. Olympics gives the inspiration to the infrastructural venture program that is as of now at the heart of Abenomics, yet all the more essentially fills the ideological void in Japanese governmental issues, and can unite the country around a typical subject that is worldwide in stand. References Bacon, P. (2014). Human Security and Japans Triple Disaster: Responding to the 2011 earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima nuclear crisis (Routledge Humanitarian Studies) . London: Routeledge. Dawson, C. (2011). Lexus: The Relentless Pursuit. New Jersey: Wiley. Mansharani, V. (2011). Boombustology: Spotting Financial Bubbles Before They Burst . New Jersey: Wiley. Tanimoto, M. (2006). The Role of Tradition in Japans Industrialization: Another Path to Industrialization (Japanese Studies in Economic and Social History Series. London: Oxford University press.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Scepter or Staff Essay -- Analysis, Odysseus

I would argue the scepter and staff are metaphors for defined authority, a representation of the rule of law and Guardianship of public weal. Furthermore, I would argue that not all sectors are made equal, nor do all bearers process and equal position of ascendancy, ability to compel obedience, or Dominion. For instance Agamemnon’s royal scepter represents an authority that has come down to him from Zeus through several generations of Argive kings, meaning divine right, and heritage. They are tools of distinction, imparting a special honor, and denoting superiority of character on the individual who wields it. Both the scepter and staff are embodiments of authority, approved and legitimated by the Gods. The scepter and staff bestow Godlike powers on mortals, imparting providence in men over earthly affairs. The scepter grants authority and legitimizes the carrier’s influence. The scepter or staff first appears in scroll 1 line [14], "moreover he bore in his hand the scepter of Apollo wreathed with a suppliant’s wreath.† The term â€Å"moreover† stresses a crucial aspect of the priest campaign, the scepter of Apollo. Here the scepter is a substitution for the authority of Apollo. An authority worthy of high respect, subsidizes the actions of Khryses. This authority is not a function of royal lineage, superior military or tactical excellence, but a consequence or reward for devotion. Khryses bore Apollo's scepter indicating the approval of the divine, and enduing the priest with the Gods authority. In scroll 1 line [20] the appearance of Khryses before the Danaans in scroll 1 line [20] is initially marked by their respect for the priest and his request. Most Achaeans recognized the authority that the priest wielded, and thou... ... believe the scepter or staff, as a representation of authority is very well suited to the song. These objects are referred to as imperishable, which is definitely associated with the gods. In the Iliad the manner in which the sector is used further demonstrates the divine authority implied by. This authority encompasses the ideas of honor, glory, distinction, and most importantly power. I believe that we also get to see the various ways in which one might find such authority in their hand. There is the authority passed down through generations in power, the authority due to a connection and devotion to the gods, the authority earned through military prowess, and the authority accrued through intellectual distinction. No matter the manner in which the holder of the staff or scepter has obtained to their authority the gods are the ultimate source of this authority.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Exploring the Thematic Link Between the Epigraph and the Greasy Lake Essay

The †Greasy Lake† seems to be influence by Bruce Springsteen †Spirit in the Night†. It is like used an epigraph from his song even though its not about the characters of the story. The characters and actions are completely made up. The †Greasy Lake† seemed to just imitate the song and take on its a free spirit. The â€Å"Bad boy† image in the â€Å"Greasy Lake† was admired and planned as the boys days continued, it was not original. We can just think about when the â€Å"Greasy Lake† was set not only the epigraph but also the title of the story was inspired by Bruce Springsteen †Spirit in the Night†. Think about it, are these boys really â€Å"bad†? No, they are just acting out the kind of behavior they think is â€Å"bad†,†cool† or expected of them. They read books to learn the â€Å"Bad boy† ways, drink cheap non- bad boy drinks and came from high class families. The nature of life was shown through the bad things that took place such as beating the guy and disrespecting the girl and being bad in order to be looked at as bad or cool. This is the narrator learned his lesson all from his actiions. The narrator, in the beginning of the story, believed himself and his friends were these tough guys but the events trhoughout the night reveals to the narrator that there is a price to be paid when trying to be bad. It was the third night of summer vacation and the narrator and his two friends, Digby and Jeff, wanted to prove they were misfits. That they were ready to be reckless and became reck. On that night they wanted to be semi- rebels, their rebellion explodes in their faces. Their actions brings them into a tougher world than they had arranged for. They beat the goy up and was about to rape his girl friend. The guy friends pulled up and the tables had turned. They ran through the woods, dived and poluted waters and floated with the real tough guy who was dead in the waters. They hid from the real tough guys because they were scared and weren’t bad at all. The layed low till the early morning and then the three boys started to feel a bunch of hatred or repugnance for the â€Å"Bad boy† life. As the end it is clear that they have had enough of being â€Å"bad. † The narrator of â€Å"Greasy Lake† matures during his risky adventure because he has different views of nature. Earlier in the story they wanted to destroy the smell of possibility and interact in all these crazy moments such as watch the girl take their clothes off, drink, smoke and listen to Rock & Roll. At the end of the story these cruel likings loses their request or want for these â€Å"Bad† guy qualities and aspects of life. When morning arrived the narrator experienced the beauty of the natural world like it was his first time. He has a epiphany or proclamation that this was nature and in the beginning it was just a dirty, rundown lake.? This was not just for him but for his friends also. When the girls approached them at the end his friend stepped up and trned down the girls offer. The three friends had the experience of a life time that changed thm for the better.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

History of Economics Essay

Economics is the constituent of social sciences which studies the economy and its elements. The main elements of economics are production, distribution, and the consumption of certain goods and services. And its main objective is to allocate the scarce resources effectively and efficiently. Scarcity refers to the economic concept that reflects that the resources are insufficient to full fill the wants and needs of all the people. In this paper the concepts of surplus and its effects on the economy would be discussed. Surplus is the situation in which an excess of something is achieved. For example the value or the amount provided after the requirement for something is satisfied or the remainder of particular thing after the purpose is met (Danielson, 1994). The industrial take off in the 18th century was considered due to the need which was developed to produce in excess. The industrial revolution which was brought forward was the result of an influence made by the capitalists regarding the generation of sufficient surplus as the source. This idea developed the concept of producing more than one requires. Europe is considered as the leader for the revolution as it had the sufficient supply of resources to cope up with the increasing demand for the growing industries. The main purpose of developing industries was to produce and cope of with the demands of product by the people. Previously there was no concept of producing more than one required to satisfy the need for one self only. But as the people started to become more and more liberal the concept of producing more than required was built. Industries with there extensive research and resources started developing goods and services to gain more profits and to satisfy the needs and wants of the prospects. This reflects the role of surplus in the development of industries in the late 18th and the 19th century, which came out to be the main cause for the change in the methodology used previously for production. (Danielson, 1994) Francois Quesnay is another great scholar known to have made contributions in the economic studies in the era before the eighteenth century. He published the Economic Table which aided in explaining the working of the economy, and which is considered as one of the first attempts made to the economic thought. In the table he described three classes, landowners, farmers, and the sterile class which he assumed consumed everything the farmers produced with no left over surplus. Quesnay assumed that it was only the farmers that could produce a surplus, and which could be used in the next year to produce more and aid in growth, and he emphasized more on the agricultural sector than the manufacturing sector which has not yet developed. This point of view of Quesnay differed from that of Smith in regards to a surplus in the economy (Kurz & Salvadori, 1997). Proceeding to the history of economics, the person who is known as the father of modern economics was Adam Smith. The concept of the well being of the society and the economy by the description made upon rational self-interests. Smith addressed upon bringing nation’s prosperity through the means of improvement in the methods of production in his book. He claimed that the surplus in production could be in general and not only in the agricultural sector. And to conceive higher profits it is required by the industries to gain surplus as profit is to be considered as the second component of it. For which achieving surplus would result in recovering cost effectively (Kurz & Salvadori, 1997). Jean-Baptiste Say was a French business man and an economist in the early eighteenth century. He was the originator of the Say’s Law which describes that the supply creates its own demand, and the supply is not influenced by demand and supported the free trade and competition, and the lifting of restraints levied on the businesses. Say emphasized upon the concept that the supply creates its own demand, because he believed that the person’s ability to demand products is dependent on his disposable income which he generates from his own attributes in production. His point of view regarding surplus was similar to of Adam Smith in context that he accepted the concept that the surplus could be achieved in any product. Insufficient demand could be due to a misdirected production and result in an excess of a product in the market known as surplus. This perception of Say made his views different from that of Smith and Quesnay. Wood & Kates, 2000) Proceeding to the conclusion to the different view presented by the three scholars Francois Quesnay, Adam Smith and Jean-Baptiste Say, it can be deduced that all had different perspectives according to their era with reference to surplus. Quesnay had a different set of mind and assumed his theories based upon the industries present at his time. Smith and Say were present in the similar time but had different aspects surrounding them. For which their theories differed from each other, but had similarities, because of being situated in identical time period.

Hellenistic Art Essay

During the campaign of Alexander the Great as the greatest conqueror of his time, his father, Philip of Macedon tried to unite the Greek city-states. During this time, Hellenistic period was born creating a major advancement on their art. It was also in this period, that a global battle in commerce and cultural influences which are apparently dominated by the Greeks. The Greek Hellenistic period span from 323 B. C. up to the Battle of Actio in 31 B. C. The Hellenistic period paved the way to many transformations of Greek art. Though the Classical concepts in art were not thoroughly abandoned, the birth of the Hellenistic period made the artists create different and unique art concepts. The artists during this time explored and manipulated their imagination on their subject. It was also during this period that higher degree of Naturalism took place as a logical conclusion to great sculptors like Praxitelis and Lysipos whose works demanded for the art representation of the human figure. In a Greek art (Boy Jockey), the bold expression of energy and power during great pressure was represented. The change of focus of the Hellenistic art from religious and naturalistic ideas and concepts to human expressions, psychological concern and theatrical background, paved the way to the sculptures that includes the natural physical surroundings with creative landscaping and theatrical groupings. The Nike of Samothrace is a sculpture that embraced the true meaning and understood the world through the application of certain techniques and aesthetic conventions. The winged goddess with her outstretched wings gracefully prevents the stone from falling due to gravity. The sculpture also represented the physical human presence and the external force within it. The representation evidently speaks for the Greeks acceptance of the physical power of human being and all other external forces acting on it. The Hellenistic art in sculpture also represents human condition, state of mind and inconsequential moments of life. It is represented through sculpture like a sleepy satyr, an old woman, a twist of torso and the swing of Aphrodite’s sandal. The statue of the beautiful Venus was contrasted by the monstrous appearance of Pan who happens to seduce her as she attempts to repel him with her smile. During this period, the statues of Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysius, Pan and Hermaphrodites were manipulated in styles and configurations to give way to the theme of eroticism. In order to represent the unique physical beauty of women and the Greek world, statues of female nudes gain popularity. The statues of Venus in various orientations and poses were created and displayed in halls of many museums i around the world. Among the greatest work that personifies beauty is the sculpture of Venus de Milo. Many Hellenistic sculptors were not contented in depicting the true physical appearance of their subject. They included some variation through express the inner world. These variations were characterized through the depiction of physical characteristics that deceived inner feelings and thoughts. The most important work considered during that time is the statue of Hygea which combined the concepts of Classical Greek art in its refinement and Hellenistic aesthetic ideals on its facial expression of concern to the previous condition that existed before her. Works Cited â€Å"Art of Ancient Greece. † Museum Quality. 29 April 2009 http://www. huntfor. com/arthistory/ancient/anc_greek. htm Green, Peter. Alexander The Great and the Hellenistic Age. Orion Publishing Group Limited, 2008.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Question 3 - Essay Example Alice has valid and stable grounds to support a legal action for defamation which, as defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, is â€Å"an intentional false communication, either published or publicly spoken, that injures another's reputation or good name. Holding up of a person to ridicule, scorn or contempt in a respectable and considerable part of the community; may be criminal as well as civil. Includes both libel and slander. Defamation is that which tends to injure reputation; to diminish the esteem, respect, goodwill or confidence in which the plaintiff is held, or to excite adverse, derogatory or unpleasant feelings or opinions against him. Statement which exposes person to contempt, hatred, ridicule or obloquy.  McGowen v. Prentice, La.App., 341 So.2d 55, 57 (La. 3d Cir. Ct. App. 1976) rehearing denied Jan. 26, 1977. The unprivileged publication of false statements which naturally and proximately result in injury to another.  Wolfson v. Kirk, Fla.App., 273 So.2d 774, 7 76 (Fla. 4th DCA 1973) [Inman and Inman 1996]. The first party-defendant would be the disillusioned scholar Usma who communicated her false and fabricated story to Bob. She maliciously painted a vicious and spiteful character of Alice without any offer of proof to her accusations. Such imputation of vice and defect against the founder of the school which provided her with free education and accommodation has caused great injury to the reputation of Alice. Aptly, Bob is also liable because as a journalist, he has the professional and moral obligation to publish only the verified facts and a fair comment thereon. He relied solely on the allegations of his source and intentionally failed to substantiate the same with evidence. It has been settled that, â€Å"To say that a man's conduct was dishonourable is not a simple statement of fact. It is a comment coupled with an allegation of unspecified conduct upon which the comment is based. A defamatory comment about a person will almost al ways be based, either expressly or inferentially, on conduct on the part of that person† [Spiller & Anor v Joseph & Ors [2010] UKSC 53 (01 December 2010)]. The third party from whom Alice can validly claim for damages is the London Reporter newspaper and all those who have active charge of Bob’s story including news editors, the editor-in-chief and the publisher. Bob’s editors have been negligent in their duties when they allowed the defamatory story to be published and circulated to the reading public. They published a story without first verifying the facts or at least requiring Bob to check the veracity his sources. As a matter of fact, publishers are even â€Å"liable for statements which they believed to be true and which they published without negligence. A plaintiff merely has to show that the statement was directed at her, has a defamatory meaning, and was published by the defendant. British law presumes the falsity of the disputed statement and places t he burden of proving truth on the defendant†¦Ã¢â‚¬  [O’Carroll 2009]. Alice can rightly demand for damages without reservations on the fact that she is already very wealthy and some of the defendants are charity cases. She may demand the exact amount that is due to her in consideration of her reputation because â€Å"†¦a man defamed does not get compensation for his damaged reputation. He gets damages because he was injured in his reputation, that is simply because he was publicly defamed. For this reason, compensation by damages